Individual Therapy
Being in a marginalized body can create feelings of body dissatisfaction. Individual therapy bring connection back to mind and body.
Body Dissatisfaction
We have been told a lie!
Only certain bodies are acceptable and have value in this culture.
If you’re one of the millions of folks living within a marginalized or traumatized body, you’ve likely developed negative thinking patterns and/or behaviors in an attempt to cope with diet culture.
Have you glorified the idea of thinness and do you equate it with moral virtue; thinness must equal goodness?
Do you associates food with morality, labeling them either “good” or “bad”?
At times have you been obsessed with not “fitting” into socialized body standards.
These types of toxic ideologies create an unsatisfying relationship with your body and food; which often leads you down a path of body hatred.
Traumatized Bodies
Traumatic experiences not only affect brain functionality, they impact one’s ability to feel safe within their body. How can you fully recovery if you don’t feel safe within your own skin?
You may be afraid of feeling physical sensations again, especially if you haven’t occupied your body in awhile.
It’s possible to liberate your body from a non-regulated state, if you’re willing to connect and start communicating with your body.
Within this work we will reestablish ownership back towards your body. Even if you’ve never felt secure in your body; it is possible to exist safely within it.
Marginalized Bodies
Most folks do not feel comfortable and confident within their bodies. They often believe the source of their dissatisfaction is centered in the shape, size or weight of their bodies.
You are not alone!
It is often the body that gets the brunt of our blame, when often there are deeper issues which need to be addressed. We must first seek to understand body dissatisfaction.
What other issues, often deeper than body dissatisfaction, are we seeking to avoid by focusing on the dissatisfaction of the body?